Creating or Modifying Strategies

(This topic applies to the Measurement Strategy Editor also known as the MSE for short.)

Each feature in the MSE has one or more internal strategies that come with PC-DMIS. You can modify settings for these strategies or you can create a custom strategy.

  1. Access the MSE.

  2. From the MSE, under Strategy, choose the strategy to modify. If you want to create a new strategy for the feature, click New, and type the strategy name.

  3. Make modifications as usual to the feature's settings.

  4. When you click Save or Save As for the group, PC-DMIS also saves the current settings for the feature to the current selected strategy.

  5. Create as many strategies as you want.

  6. From the Strategy list, choose the strategy you intend to use most frequently, and click Set Strategy as Default.

  7. Create your auto features.

You can select the strategy to use when you create or edit features with the Measurement Strategy Widget.