Using the Measurement Strategy Editor

You can use the Measurement Strategy Editor (MSE) to modify the settings for all the auto features. You can store the modified settings as strategies and as custom groups.

Measurement Strategy Editor

To access the MSE, select Edit | Preferences | Measurement Strategy Editor. By default, PC-DMIS shows the MSE for CMM configurations. For portable configurations, it hides the MSE.

If the MSE is not available, you can enable it with the Use Measurement Strategy Editor check box from the Setup Options dialog box, General tab. For more information, see "Use Measurement Strategy Editor" in this chapter.

For more information on the MSE, follow the links below:


Editor Description

How to Use the MSE

How the MSE Works

The Default Settings

Creating or Modifying Strategies

Attaching a Scan Adaptive Strategy to a Supported Feature

Working with Smart Parameters

Related Topics

For information on the different settings in the MSE, see "The Auto Feature Dialog Box" in the "Creating Auto Features" chapter and "Using the Probe Toolbox" in the "PC-DMIS CMM" documentation.

For information on the measurement strategy widget, see "Using the Measurement Strategy Widget" in the "Creating Auto Features" chapter.

For information on measurement strategies in general, see "Working with Measurement Strategies" in the "PC-DMIS CMM" documentation.