AK - Automatic Tracking

The AK command directs the system to enable automatic tracking.

Command Format

MLString "AK p1,p2"


MLString "AK Y"

Automatically track a surface in the active part reference frame.

MLString "AK -Z"

Automatically track a surface in the active part reference frame.

MLString "AK"

Disables Auto mode for soft probe tracking.

MLString "AK 1,1,0"

Automatically track a surface. The probe is to move initially in the part coordinate direction (1,1,0) until it contacts the surface.

MLString "AK 1,1,0,C"

Automatically track a surface. The probe is to move initially in the part coordinate direction (1,1,0) until it contacts the surface. When the probe does contact the surface, it continues to travel until it self centers along the specified vector.


p1 = signed part axis or part coordinate direction vector (String; optional)

p2 = "C" (String; optional)

The optional parameter p1 specifies as either a signed part axis designator (+X or -Z for example), or as a numeric XYZ part coordinate direction vector. If you specify a numeric vector, then it must be non-zero. It may be a unit vector, but this is not required. If p1 is not specified, then the software disables tracking.

The optional parameter p2 may only be the letter "C".

In the first example, Y is the p1 argument. It indicates to automatically track a surface in the machine Y-axis. The surface lies in the positive Y direction from the probe center.

In the second example, -Z is the p1 argument. It indicates to automatically track a surface nominally perpendicular to the machine Z-axis. The surface lies in the negative Z direction from the probe center.

In the third example, there is no argument. It indicates to disable automatic mode for soft probe tracking.

In the fourth example, the part direction vector (1,1,0) is the p1 argument. It indicates to automatically track along the direction vector (1,1,0) (i=1, j=1, and k=0).


This command is added to the DCC command queue. When this command is executed, the system begins tracking. If the soft probe is not in surface contact when this command is executed then the probe is moved in the specified direction until in surface contact. The touch mode of the soft probe is disabled if active (see TF command) and the soft probe is activated (see BR command). The soft probe must have been calibrated prior to execution of this command.

Note that machine velocity is restricted to tracking speed (see KS command).

Skip Action

Ignored - this command is not executed if part of a skip block.

Error Messages

MLB-090 - DCC not available