Q-DAS Configurator: Introduction

This tool is intended for programmers, who can use it to:

This documentation has the following sections:

Navigating Q-DAS Configurator - This section covers the user interface elements that make up the main Q-DAS Configurator interface: the menu bar, toolbar area, Parts data area, Characteristics data area, and status bar.

Using Q-DAS Configurator - This section discusses the Q-DAS data file and how to create, edit, and update the file.

Setting Up K-Field Configuration - This section discusses the K-fields in the configuration file and how to set them up.

Setting Up the Q-DAS Catalog File - This section describes how to set up the catalog to use. The catalog file contains administrative and other data that K-fields can reference.

Setting Up Predefined Values - This section describes how to set up predefined values for K-fields.

Setting Up Study Options - This section describes how to set up study options that enable you to collect data for specific analysis.

Setting Up Interface Options - This section describes the attributes that you can specify for the Q-DAS ASCII Transfer Format file.

Setting Up Q-DAS Web Service - This section describes how to set up the Q-DAS web service.