Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Settings Editor > OptimizePath > SortFeaturesInsideGroups
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Settings Editor (View Core Help)
This registry entry determines whether PC-DMIS sorts features inside of GROUP commands during path optimization. If you don't choose to sort inside groups, the software doesn't sort features in groups. Instead, it only sorts the groups themselves as if they were a single feature.
Entry Name: SortFeaturesInsideGroups
Entry Type: Whole number that specifies TRUE (1) or FALSE (0). The default value is 0. When you set this registry entry to 1, Optimize Path sorts features inside of groups. When you set this value to 0, Optimize Path does not sort features inside of groups.
For details on how to optimize paths, see "Optimizing the Path" in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.