Creating a Roughness Probe File

To create a roughness probe file, do the following:

  1. Select the components for the roughness probe in the Probe Utilities dialog box (Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe). The following is an example:

Probe Utilities dialog box

For help with this dialog box, see the "Defining Probes" topic in the "Defining Hardware" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

  1. Double-click on the roughness arm component in the Probe description area. (In the example above, you would double-click on Roughness_Arm_TR). The Edit Probe Component dialog box appears:

Edit Probe Component dialog box

Kinematics - This defines the sensor geometry. The sensor is calibrated to determine actual parameters. These parameters are written in .xml file. The calibration is performed at the factory and an xml file is supplied with the sensor.

If you have an .xml file, you can import the parameters and define probe files according to the calibration data.

If you don't have an .xml file, you need to define the minimum parameters in the Edit Probe Component dialog box.

  1. Define the sensor device's parameters through Kinematics file:

Click the Import Kinematics button. This opens the dialog box to select a kinematics file. You need to select a file that is supplied with your sensor.

PC-DMIS reads an .xml file to fill the parameters in the Edit Probe Component dialog box. You need to ensure that the Arm ID and Sensor ID shown in the dialog box matches to the actual sensor mounted on machine.

Click OK to apply parameters and create a probe file that uses kinematics.

If you replace the sensor, you must re-import the kinematics. If you repaired your sensor, you might need re-calibration for kinematics. After you update the kinematics file, you need to import the probe file again.

  1. If you do not have kinematics file, you need to type the following information in the Edit Probe Component dialog box.

PC-DMIS uses the MAC number and key to connect to your roughness sensor through Bluetooth.

The distance may be stated on your device certificate. If necessary, you can measure it on any optical machine and enter the value.

Magnification Factor

You can use the roughness standard to determine the amplification factor. To determine the amplification factor, refer to the appropriate geometrical product specification. For help with the magnification factor, see "Determining the Magnification Factor". This information is not recorded in kinematics file. You need to perform this procedure at regular intervals and ensure to enter the correct value.


About Roughness Measurements

Sensor Types

PROFILER R Roughness Sensor

Activating or Deactivating the Roughness Sensor

Determining the Magnification Factor