Determining the Magnification Factor

Your machine is supplied with the following:

To determine the magnification factor, you can use this roughness standard or any other roughness standard for determining magnification factor.

  1. Fix the roughness standard onto its holder.

  2. Secure the holder on the CMM table.

  3. Create a new measurement routine.

  4. Align the sensor. You may measure a plane, a line, and a point to create a simple alignment at one corner of the sensor and holder.

  5. Measure the roughness scan on this sensor in the area marked by the rectangle. Use the parameters as written on top of the roughness master.

  6. Similarly, measure four more scans close by in the same area.

  7. Use the roughness dimension to measure the required parameter as marked on the master.

  8. To calculate the magnification factor, divide the value printed on the master by the average value measured by the roughness sensor.

  9. Enter the magnification factor for the roughness sensor in the Probe Utilities dialog box.


About Roughness Measurements

Sensor Types

PROFILER R Roughness Sensor

Creating a Roughness Probe File

Activating or Deactivating the Roughness Sensor