AS - Automatic Scanning

The AS command sets up controls for automatic scanning and data collection operations. Be aware that it has been redefined for SMP-400, version 104.0 and later.

Command Format

MLString "AS p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6"


MLString "AS Y,S55.6,I10"

Perform an automatic scan, collecting samples as a function of Y position beginning at Y equal to 55.6 and collecting a data point every 10 units. Data points are accumulated only in the scan data array.

MLString "AS A,C12.3,-5.75,S0,I1,USER"

Performs an automatic scan, collecting samples as a function of polar angles relative to the working plane point (12.3, -5.75), beginning at zero degrees and collecting a data point every degree. Data points are accumulated in the Scan Data array and in the User Summation array. Data returned to the host with the RN command is in Radius / Angle / Height format.


p1 = Independent axis for scan (String, required)

p2 = Center point for polar scan (Alphanumeric, optional)

p3 = Starting value for independent axis (String, optional)

p4 = Interval between successive targets (String or numeric, optional)

p5 = "USER" or "INTERNAL" to select summation array (String, optional)

p6 = Number of points to collect (String or numeric, optional)

The required parameter p1 specifies the independent "axis" for the scan. This can only be A, P, S, X, Y, or Z.

A specifies a polar scan with data returned in R, A, H (Radius, Angle, Height) format.

P specifies a polar scan with data returned in normal X, Y, Z format.

S indicates that targets are to be spaced along the surface with the initial probe location to be treated as 0.0.

X, Y, and Z indicate a part axis to be used as the independent axis.

The optional parameter p2 is the letter C followed by two coordinate values. This parameter has meaning only for polar scans and defines the working plane nominal center of the scanned surface. The values specified in order correspond to:

X and Y for the XY plane

Y and Z for the YZ plane

Z and X for the ZX plane

For polar scans when p2 is not specified, the center point is assumed to be at (0, 0).

The optional parameter p3 is the letter S followed by the independent axis starting coordinate. If p4 (below) is specified without p3, then the data is collected beginning at the current probe position. Note that p3 cannot be specified without p4.

The optional parameter p4 is the letter I followed by the incremental displacement between targets. If p3 and p4 are both omitted, then it is assumed that the scan targets are absolute rather than incremental and have been previously communicated using the SB command.

The optional string parameter p5 can be "USER" or "INTERNAL". If p5 is specified, then the system accumulates the scan data in the specified Summation Array as well as in the scan data buffer.

The optional parameter p6 is the letter N followed by the number of points to be collected. If not specified, data collection continues until an RN command is executed.


The AS command puts the SMP into a Data Collection mode. Before you execute this command, you should enable tracking (see AK command).

If you are performing a closed-loop scan, position the probe ahead of the first target. If you are performing an open-loop scan, position the probe to its nominal deflection.

Following the execution of this command, the system executes the appropriate move commands to move the probe through the target area. Finally, the command RN is executed to terminate data collection and/or to return the collected scan data to the host.

Skip Action

Ignored - This command is not executed if it is part of a skipped block.

Error Messages

MLB-080 - Improper probe installed (the soft probe is not enabled, or tracking is not turned on)

MLB-090 - DCC not available

MLB-164 - Insufficient analog probe deflection