SB - Scan Target

The SB command transmits the independent axis targets from the scan buffer S9 (*,0) to the MP, so the software can use them in the next scan. The measurement routine must execute the SB command before it executes the SN command if it uses absolute targets.

Command Format

MLString "SB p1"


MLString "SB 100"


p1 = The number of targets to transmit (Numeric, required)

p1 specifies the number of independent axis targets to transmit. p1 must be an integer equal to or greater than 1. In the example, p1 is 100. The probe scans 100 targets for this measurement. The first target is in the scan buffer location S9(0,0). If you are scanning in several phases, transfer all targets at once. S9 is a real array, so the number of digits that make up the target coordinate value is not restricted.


Targets are sent to the MP starting at the scan buffer location S9(0,0). If the program transmits 100 targets, the software sends the last target to scan buffer location S9(99,0).

Skip Action

The software ignores this command and does not execute it if it is part of a skipped block.

Error Messages
