SN - Scan

The SN command is used to initiate a surface scan. This is for MeasureMax version 1.03 systems only.

The SN command is not supported by current MeasureMax+ systems.

Command Format

MLString "SN p1,p2,p3,p4,p5"


MLString "SN 1,XY,400,12,.1"

This example scans 400 targets along Y, collecting X data in column 1 of the S9 array. The first target is at a Y reading of 12 and subsequent targets are spaced at a 0.1 interval in the positive direction.

MLString "SN XY,400"

This example scans 400 targets along Y, collecting X data in column 0 (default) of the S9 array. The Y-axis targets have been previously sent with the SB command.


p1 = Column in scan buffer (Numeric, optional)

p2 = Dependent and independent axes (String, required)

p3 = Number of targets to scan (Numeric, required)

p4 = Starting position (Numeric, optional)

p5 = Interval between successive targets (Numeric, optional)

The optional numeric parameter p1 is the index of the column in the S9 scan data array. The software uses this array for dependent axis scan results. If you do not specify p1, then the software stores the scan results in column zero (0) of S9.

The required string parameter p2 defines the dependent and independent axes for the scan. The first letter identifies the dependent axis. Valid settings for p2 are XY, XZ, YX, YZ, ZX, ZY, XW, YW, ZW, and RA.

The required numeric parameter p3 must be a value from 1 to 1000 and specifies the number of targets to be scanned.

The optional numeric parameters p4 and p5 define the first independent axis scan target and the spacing between targets for an incremental scan. If p4 and p5 are not specified then targets are absolute and must have been previously transmitted to the MP (for details, see SB - Scan Target").

You must have the probe in position before the first scan target before the execution of this command. When the software executes this command, the WAIT light on the MP comes on. You must then move the probe along the scan path to collect data. After the software passes the first target, the WAIT light flashes until the software collects all scan targets. Once the software finishes collecting all the scan targets, the WAIT light goes out.


The system collects the scanned data and stores the results in the S9 array.

Skip Action

The software ignores this command and does not execute it if it is part of a skipped block.

Error Messages

MLB-080 - Improper probe installed (This command requires either a hard probe or an analog probe.)