Completing the CAD Selection Group for an Audi Feature

The options in the CAD selection group display the CAD coordinates for an Audi feature and enable you to perform CAD-related functions.

Feature Options

The following graphic shows the options for the PP and EEP features:

CAD selection group for PP and EEP features

CAD selection group for PP and EEP features


The following table describes the options. The options that appear depend on the feature you are creating. For descriptions of the icons that appear in this group, see "Using the Icons".



Align to workplane drop-down list

To align the feature to the current workplane, select the item from the list.

Rotation Angle box

Type the rotation angle of the section cut plane.

Drop-down list

Select the CAD cut-off distance from the clicked point. A value of "0" indicates that the distance is unlimited.

Edge Point area

X, Y, and Z Point boxes: These boxes display the X, Y, and Z nominals for the feature's location.

I, J, and K Surface boxes: These boxes display the feature's surface locations.

Edge boxes: These boxes display the calculated approach direction (vector) for the edge hit or for the points.

Selection area

This image displays the navigation path.


Completing the General Feature Parameters Group

Completing the Feature Definition Group