Completing the General Feature Parameters Group for an Audi Feature

Use the options in the General feature parameters group to define the general parameters for an Audi feature.

Feature Options

The following graphics show the options for each feature.

PP feature:

General feature parameters group for PP feature

General feature parameters group for PP feature

EEP feature:

General feature parameters group for EEP feature

General feature parameters group for EEP feature


The following table describes the options. The options that appear depend on the feature you are creating. For descriptions of the icons that appear in this group, see "Using the Icons".



Naming Rules area

Type list: Select the type of naming rule:

  • None: PC-DMIS naming rule

  • VW: Volkswagen naming rule

Counter box: Type the four-number feature counter.

The following options appear when you select the VW type:

  • Assembly ID box: Type the 3-letter ID of the assembly.

  • Meas type list: Select the measurement type:

    • M: Serial measurement (Messpunkt)

    • F: Functional measurement (Funktionsmass)

    • B: Sampling inspection (Bemusterungspunkt)

    • Q: Report measurement (Q_Berichtsmass)

  • Alignment list: Select the alignment:

    • _ : Vehicle Coordinate System (RPS-Ausrichtung)

    • Z: Relative (Bezug zu einem anderem Messelement)

    • A: Local alignment A (lokales Ausrichtsystem A)

    • B: Local alignment B (lokales Ausrichtsystem B)

Other area

Actl Thickness box: Type the thickness to be applied as an actual value to the surface or edge values of the feature.

Safe Distance list: Type the distance move before and after the measurement.

Perimeter point feature area

Distance DP1 list

Extended edge point area

Distance DP2 list

Relative measurement area

Off option: Select this option if you do not want to use relative measurement.

Single option: Select this option to measure a single feature from the XYZ list. The XYZ list appears when you select Single:

Relative Measurement area - Single option

Single option

Multiple option: Select this option to measure multiple features (one for each axis) from the X, Y, and Z lists. These lists appear when you select Multiple:

Relative Measurement area - Multiple option

Multiple option


Completing the CAD Selection Group

Completing the Feature Definition Group