Completing the CAD Selection Group for a Standard Part Feature

The options in the CAD selection group display the CAD coordinates for a Standard Part feature and enable you to perform CAD-related functions.

Feature Options

The following graphics show the options for each feature.

LA, LB, LD, LE, LF, and LG features:

CAD selection group for LA, LB, LD, LE, LF, and LG features

CAD selection group for LA, LB, LD, LE, LF, and LG features

LC feature:

CAD selection group for LC feature

CAD selection group for LC feature


The following table describes the options.

For descriptions of the icons that appear in this group, see "Using the Icons".



Single click check box

To enable single-click CAD selection, click this check box. To enable multi-click CAD selection and display the Counter list, clear the check box.

Counter list

Select the number of ESF features of this type in the measurement routine.

CAD Circle Properties area

X, Y, and Z Point boxes: These boxes display the calculated point locations on the CAD model.

I, J, and K Vector boxes: These boxes display the calculated vector locations on the CAD model.

Selection area

This image displays the navigation path.


Completing the General Feature Parameters Group

Completing the Feature Definition Group