About the Default Settings

(This topic applies to the Measurement Strategy Editor also known as the MSE for short.)

You can use the MSE to modify the default settings (number of hits, depth, void detection, strategy types, and so on) for all Auto feature types. By default, PC-DMIS writes these changes to the registry whenever you modify and then save settings in the Measurement Strategy Editor.

If your default settings don't update, mark the Use Measurement Strategy Widget check box from the General tab of the Setup Options dialog box (F5). The measurement strategy widget applies modifications into the registry. If that check box is cleared, the MSE stores your changes only in the .msexml files. For information, see "Using the Measurement Strategy Widget" in the "Creating Auto Features" chapter.

PC-DMIS queries the registry and uses those settings when you create an Auto feature.

You can also update the registry for a specific setting if you modify that setting in the Auto Feature dialog box or in the Edit window command.

PC-DMIS updates the registry with the settings stored in the default MSE group whenever you do one of the following: