The Auto Feature Dialog Box

To create an Auto feature, use the Auto Feature dialog box. To open the dialog box, select Insert | Feature | Auto and then select an item from that menu.

Example of Auto Feature dialog box for a Cylinder feature

Whenever you open or modify the Auto Feature dialog box, the values are queried from and stored in the registry.

For information about the default settings and on how to use the Measurement Strategy Editor to change default settings, see "Using the Measurement Strategy Editor" topic.

Probe Deflection and CAD Click Behavior

If the Auto Feature dialog box is open, and PC-DMIS detects a probe hit, it assumes you are trying to learn the currently selected Auto feature type. A prompt displays for you to measure the remaining hits (if any) to complete it.

Similarly, if you click on the CAD data while the Auto Feature dialog box is open, PC-DMIS assumes that the currently selected feature type is being learned. It populates the dialog box with the information it gathered from the CAD model.

Probe Toolbox

Because the items in the Probe Toolbox are used frequently when you create Auto features, the Probe Toolbox exists as an embedded portion of the Auto Feature dialog box.

Basic or Advanced Configurations

By default, PC-DMIS displays the Auto Feature dialog box in a basic configuration where advanced options are hidden from view:

Auto Feature dialog box in a basic configuration

Click this button in the Feature properties area to show this dialog box in an advanced configuration. If the Probe Toolbox is visible before you open the Auto Feature dialog box, it is visible, even with the basic configuration. In some configurations of PC-DMIS, such as Laser or Vision, the Probe Toolbox appears attached to the basic configuration.

Docking or Undocking the Auto Feature Dialog Box

The Auto Feature dialog box docks into the left and right sides of the screen by default. If desired, you can change its state to hover over the user interface instead. To do this:

  1. Press the Ctrl key, drag the dialog box to a new location, and release the mouse. The dialog box now hovers over the interface.

  2. Right-click on the title bar and from the menu, choose Floating.

The next time you open the dialog box, it remains in this floating mode.

  1. To return the dialog box to a dockable mode, select Dockable from that menu instead.

You can also hold down the Ctrl key while you drag the Auto Feature dialog box to prevent it temporarily from docking.


Auto Feature Type list

ID box

Feature Properties area

Measurement Properties area

Extended Sheet Metal Options Area

Advanced Measurement Options Area

Auto Feature Command Buttons