Extended Sheet Metal Options Area

The Extended sheet metal options area of the Auto Feature dialog box contains some of the less frequently-used sheet metal options for supported Auto features.

Showing Extended Sheet Metal Options

The Extended sheet metal options area is hidden until the following conditions are met:

Except for Corner Point and High Point, all other Contact and Laser Auto features support the Extended Sheet Metal Options area.

This will display the Auto Feature dialog box with all of the available options visible.

Extended Sheet Metal Options

Depending on the feature you selected, the following items appear in the Extended sheet metal options area.

IJK Edge Report boxes

These boxes display the vector used for reporting deviation. This is a user-supplied I, J, K vector.

For the Line and Edge Point features, these boxes display the vector for the RT computation.

The Location Dimension option RT will display the deviation calculated along this vector. After the new value is created, PC-DMIS will normalize the vector, making its length one unit.

Supported Auto features: Line, Edge Point

IJK Update boxes

These boxes display the update vector to be used to pierce the CAD surface, if the option is active by setting the SET NOM AX mode. This is a user-supplied I, J, K normal vector.

The I, J, K should always point away from the surface. After the new value is created, PC-DMIS will normalize the vector, making its length one unit.

Supported Auto features: Vector Point

IJK Surf Rpt boxes

These boxes display the vector used for reporting deviation. This is a user-supplied I, J, K vector.

After the new value is created and you exit the dialog box, PC-DMIS will normalize the vector, making its length one unit.

The Location dimension's RS check box displays the deviation calculated along this vector.

The Location dimension's RT check box displays the measured deviation in the surface vector direction along this defined report vector.

Supported Auto features: All features, except Corner Point, High Point, and Sphere

IJK Surf1 Rpt and Surf2 Rpt boxes

These boxes display the surface vectors for the RS (deviation along surface report) computation. You can use these boxes to deviate from the S and T deviations on the dimension for an Angle Point feature.

Supported Auto features: Angle Point

IJK Pin boxes

These boxes define the vector of the stud through the hole formed by the punch.

When pins are created on a sheet metal surface, they are not always perpendicular to the surface. This naturally creates an elliptical shape at the surface of the metal, even though a round pin may have been used. The Pin vector then allows for more accurate measurement and data analysis in this situation.

Supported Auto features: Circle, Square Slot, Round Slot

IJK Punch boxes

These boxes define the vector of the punch through the sheet metal. This vector is positioned at the XYZ center, plus half the thickness along the surface normal vector.

The punches used to place holes in sheet metal are not always perpendicular to the surface. This naturally creates an elliptical shape at the surface of the metal, even though a round punch may have been used. The Punch vector then allows for more accurate measurement and data analysis in this situation.

For the Circle feature, the diameter of the feature is also along this vector.

Supported Auto features: Circle, Square Slot, Round Slot

For more information on these vector boxes, see "Extended Sheet Metal Vector Diagrams".



Flip Vector

Reset Vector to Surface Vector