Auto Feature Path Lines Shortcut Menu

To access this shortcut menu, select the Show Hit Targets Toggle button inside an Auto Feature dialog box (Insert | Feature | Auto | <Feature Type>).

The following options are available:

Insert Hit
Inserts an additional hit into the Auto feature.

Delete Hit
Deletes the selected hit from the Auto feature.

Insert Sample Hit
Inserts a sample hit for the Auto feature.

Delete Sample Hit
Deletes the selected sample hit from the Auto feature.

Insert Row
When working with a feature that uses multiple rows of hits, such as a cylinder or cone, this inserts another row of hits.

Delete Row
When working with a feature that uses multiple rows of hits, such as a cylinder or cone, this deletes the selected row of hits.

User Defined Hits
This menu option becomes automatically selected whenever you manually make a change to a hit or path using the mouse.

If you then deselect this menu option, PC-DMIS reverts your change back to what it was before.

Additionally, if you have this option selected for a hit and then change to the feature's perpendicular view with View Perpendicular, you can adjust the depth or height for that specific hit.

View Normal
This changes the CAD view of the feature to a top-down view.

View Perpendicular
This changes the CAD view of the feature to a side view, ideal for defining a feature's depth or adding additional levels of hits.