To Position Fixture Elements on the Part

Before you're able to position fixture elements on the part, PC-DMIS requires that you completely define the machine before you use fixturing.

Follow the steps below to position a column at a selected fixture point:

  1. Select the Insert | Hardware Definition | Fixture menu option to open the Create/Modify Fixture dialog box.

  2. Make sure you have at least one fixture point defined on the Fixture Points tab.

  3. Select the fixture point.

  4. Click the Verify button. This checks the location of that point, ensures that a column placed there fits within the defined machine volume, and ensures that no collisions occur. A message box that indicates success or failure appears. If a failure occurs, see the "Troubleshooting Column Placement" topic.

  5. Click the Apply button. PC-DMIS associates the column with the fixture point and displays it in the Graphic Display window. At this point, PC-DMIS also inserts a LOADFIXTURE command into the Edit window, such as the following:


  1. Repeat this procedure for each fixture point where you want to place a column.