PC-DMIS 2022.1 Object Library
Command Object Members
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : Command Object

Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method AddBundleInstanceAdds a bundle instance into the bundle alignment linked list for the specified station index. Returns false if the station number doesn't exist or the instance already exists
Public Method ComputePerforms mathematical evaluation of the command
Public Method CreateBundleFeaturesCreates bundled features. Returns false if the command is not a bundle alignment
Public Method DialogOpens the PC-DMIS dialog box for the corresponding command.
Public Method Dialog2Opens the PC-DMIS dialog box for the corresponding command.
Public Method EXECUTE

Executes the command if the command is immediately executable.

Public Method GetBundleInstanceGets the bundle instance of the command for the specified station index.A NULL pointer is returned if there is no instance at that index
Public Method GetExpressionGets the expression of the indicated field of the command.
Public Method GetExpressionExGets the expression of the indicated field of the command [Extended DType]
Public Method GetNextThis method returns a new instance of the command that follows the current command in the Commands object. Unlike Next, this method does not change the current command but instead returns a new Command object.
Public Method GetPrevThis method returns a new instance of the command that precedes the current command in the Commands object. Unlike Next, this method does not change the current command but instead returns a new Command object.
Public Method GetTextGets the text of the indicated field of the command.
Public Method GetTextExReturns the text used to represent a data item of the object [Extended DType]
Public Method GetToggleStringReturns the string of text of a toggle field.
Public Method GetToggleStringExReturns the toggle text delimited by the | symbol if the field is a toggle field, otherwise returns an empty string [Extended DType]
Public Method GetToolkitDataReturns the value of the Toolkit data object
Public Method GetUniqueIDThis command retrieves the low and high parts of the 64-bit unique id of the command.
Public Method IsBundledCommandChecks if command is a bundled command
Public Method IsExpressionValidDetermines whether or not an expression is valid.
Public Method ItemReturns the execute instance of the object if the object has been executed more than once
Public Method MarkMarks the current object and all objects that depend on it. Optionally the features of the current alignment are also marked.
Public Method NextAccesses the next command in the parent Commands list.
Public Method OptimizedSetExpressionLike Set Expression, but optimized for speed (less accurate)
Public Method OptimizedSetExpressionExLike Set Expression, but optimized for speed (less accurate) [Extended DType]
Public Method OptimizedSolveExpressionLike Solve Expression, but optimized for speed (less accurate)
Public Method PrevAccesses the previous command in the parent Commands list.
Public Method PutTextPuts text into the indicated field of the command.
Public Method PutTextExPuts the specified text into the object data item [Extended DType]
Public Method PutToolkitDataSets to value of the Toolkit data object
Public Method ReDraw

This method requests that the object be redrawn in the Edit window.

Public Method RemoveRemoves a command from the Commands list.
Public Method RemoveBundleInstanceRemoves the bundle instance of the command for the specified station index. Returns false if the station does not exist or there is no instance
Public Method RemoveExpressionRemoves the expression from the indicated field of the command.
Public Method RemoveExpressionExRemoves any existing expression from the indicated field of the command [Extended DType]
Public Method SetBothArmsSets command to be executed by Both Arms, returns false if command is a two state command
Public Method SetExpressionUse this command to set expressions for different fields in a command.
Public Method SetExpressionExSets the expression for the indicated field of the command [Extended DType]
Public Method SetMasterArmSets command to be executed by Master only.
Public Method SetSlaveArmSets command to be executed by Slave only, r eturns false if command cannot be slave owned
Public Method SetToggleStringThis method lets you set a toggle field in a numerical, language-independent way.
Public Method SetToggleStringExSets a toggle field to a numbered value in the toggle field list [Extended DType]
Public Method SolveExpression

SolveExpression evaluates the expression based on the objects above the command on which SolveExpression gets called.

Public Method ToggleCommandTypeToggles the command type. A new toggled command is returned
Public Method UpdateDimensionNominalsUpdates the nominals of related dimensions.

Public Properties

Public Property _ID 
Public Property ActiveTipCommandReturns an ActiveTip object if Command is of Type SET_ACTIVE_TIP. Nothing otherwise. Read-only.
Public Property AlignmentCommand

Returns this Command object as an AlignCmnd object if it can, Nothing otherwise.

Public Property ApplicationRepresents the read-only PC-DMIS application. The Application object includes properties and methods that return top-level objects. For example, the ActivePartProgram property returns a PartProgram object.
Public Property ArrayIndexCommandReturns an ArrayIndex object if Command is of Type ARRAY_INDEX. Returns Nothing otherwise. Read-only.
Public Property AttachCommandReturns an Attach object if Command is of Type ATTACH_PROGRAM. Returns Nothing otherwise. Read-only.
Public Property BasicScanCommand

Returns this Command object as a BasicScan object if it can, Nothing otherwise. Read-only.

Only Command objects of type BASIC_SCAN_OBJECT can become BasicScan objects.

Public Property BladeScanCommandRead Only: Returns the blade scan command object interface for the current command if it is a blade scan object
Public Property BothArmsRead Only: Property indicating whether the command belongs to the both arms
Public Property CalibrationCommandReturns a Calibration object if Command is of Type CALIB_SPHERE. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property CommandGUIDString

Each command in PC-DMIS has a unique idenification. This is the GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). This returns the identification as a string value.

Public Property CommentCommandReturns a Comment object if Command is of Type SET_COMMENT. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property CopyMeasToNom

Property used to indicate/set whether the object should execute in MASTER mode. After executing in MASTER mode, the object copies the measured vector, centroid, and other nominal information to the nominals and turns off MASTER mode. This copies the same information that gets calculated using the CalculateNominals method.

Public Property Count

Represents the number of copies of this Command which are available. If the measurement routine is currently being executed, it is the number of times it has been executed so far in the current execution cycle. If the measurement routine is not currently being executed, it is the number of times it was executed during the previous execution cycle. If Command has never been executed, Count has the value one.

Public Property DataTypesRead Only: Returns the data type information collection for this command
Public Property DimensionCommandReturns this Command object as a DimensionCommand object if it can, Nothing otherwise. Read-only.
Public Property DimensionEndCommandRead Only: Returns the dimension end command object interface for the current command if it is a dimension end object
Public Property DimFormatCommand

Returns a DimFormat object if Command is of Type DIMENSION_FORMAT. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.

Public Property DimInfoCommandReturns a DimInfo object if Command is of Type DIMENSION_INFORMATION. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property DisplayIDRead/Only: Current DisplayID of the command
Public Property DisplayMetaFileCommandReturns a DispMetaFile object if Command is of Type DISPLAY_METAFILE. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property ExpectsMissRead/Write: Indicates whether script should plan for a miss error for this command
Public Property ExternalCommandReturns an ExternalCommand object if Command is of Type EXTERNAL_COMMAND. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property FCFCommandDEPRECATED: Read Only: Returns the FCF internal Profile Dimension if any
Public Property FeatureRepresents the kind of feature that this Command object is.
Public Property FeatureCommand

Returns this Command object as a FeatCmd object if it can, Nothing otherwise. Read-only.

Public Property FileIOCommand

Returns a FileIO object if Command is of Type FILE_IO_OBJECT. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.

Public Property FlowControlCommand

Returns this Command object as an FlowControlCmnd object if it can, Nothing otherwise. Read-only.

The  Commands that have the following Type can become FlowControlCmnd objects are as follows:


Public Property GetDataTypeCountReturns the number of instances of the supplied data type in command
Public Property GetDataTypeCountExReturns the number of instances of the supplied data type in command [Extended DType]
Public Property GetDataTypeCountUniqueIndexReturns the number of instances of the supplied data type in command at the specified type index
Public Property GetDataTypeCountUniqueIndexExReturns the number of instances of the supplied data type in command at the specified type index [Extended DType]
Public Property GetFieldValue

This read-only property returns the value of a field from a command.

If you try to access a field that isn't supported by the command, PC-DMIS returns FALSE. This property takes two parameters, the first parameter defines the field item. You can select this item from an enumerated list or use the associated constant number. The second parameter specifies the TypeIndex.

Public Property GetFieldValueExReturns the value of the indicated field of the command [Extended DType]
Public Property GetToggleValue

This read-only property checks a command's field and returns 0 if it isn't a toggle field. It also returns 0 if the field doesn't exist. Otherwise, it returns a the current toggle index value, with 1 as the base index value.

It takes two parameters. The first is an enumerated field type value to determine what field to check in a command, and the second is the TypeIndex.

Public Property GetToggleValueExReturns 0 if the field is not a toggle otherwise returns the toggle index [Extended DType]
Public Property HasBreakpointDetermines whether or not the current PC-DMIS command has a breakpoint.
Public Property HasFieldChecks is the the command has the indicated field.
Public Property HasFieldExChecks is the the command has the indicated field [Extended DType]
Public Property IDRepresents the ID of the command.
Public Property IsActiveTipDetermines whether or not the command is an ActiveTip command.
Public Property IsAlignmentDetermines whether or not the command is an alignment command type.
Public Property IsArrayIndexDetermines whether or not the command is an ArrayIndex command.
Public Property IsAttachDetermines whether or not the command is an Attach command.
Public Property IsBasicScanDetermines whether or not the command is a basic scan command.
Public Property IsBladeRead Only: Indicates whether the command is an blade command
Public Property IsCalibrationDetermines whether or not the command is a Calibration command.
Public Property IsComment

Determines whether or not the command is a Comment command.

Public Property IsConstructedFeatureDetermines whether or not the command is a constructed feature.
Public Property IsDCCFeatureDetermines whether or not the command is a DCC (Auto) Feature.
Public Property IsDimensionDetermines whether or not the command is a Dimension command type.
Public Property IsDimFormatDetermines whether or not the command is a DimFormat command.
Public Property IsDimInfoDetermines whether or not the command is a DimInfo command.
Public Property IsDisplayMetaFileDetermines whether or not the command is a DispMetaFileCommand.
Public Property IsExternalCommandDetermines whether or not the command is an ExternalCommand.
Public Property IsFCFCommandDEPRECATED: Read Only: Indicates whether the command is a FCF Command
Public Property IsFeatureDetermines whether or not the command is a feature command type.
Public Property IsFileIOCommandDetermines whether or not the command is a FileIO command.
Public Property IsFlowControlDetermines whether or not the command is a flow control command type.
Public Property IsHitDetermines whether or not the command is one of the hit command types.
Public Property IsLeapfrogDetermines whether or not the command is a Leapfrog command.
Public Property IsLoadMachineDetermines whether or not the command is a LoadMachine command.
Public Property IsLoadProbeDetermines whether or not the command is a LoadProbe command.
Public Property IsMeasuredFeatureDetermines whether or not the command is a Measured Feature command.
Public Property IsModalDetermines whether or not the command is a modal command type.
Public Property IsMoveDetermines whether or not the command is a Move command.
Public Property IsOptionProbe

Determines whether or not the command is an option probe command.

Public Property IsOptMotionDetermines whether or not the command is an OptMotion command.
Public Property IsScanDetermines whether or not the command is a Scan command.
Public Property IsStatisticDetermines whether or not the command is a Statistics command.
Public Property IsTempCompDetermines whether or not the command is a TempComp command.
Public Property IsToleranceCommandRead Only: Indicates whether the command is a Tolerance Command
Public Property IsToolkitCommandRead Only: Indicates whether the command is a toolkit command
Public Property IsTraceFieldDetermines whether or not the command is a TraceField command.
Public Property ItemIndexReturns the execute instance index if the object has been executed more than once otherwise returns 0
Public Property LeapfrogCommandReturns a LeapFrog object if the Command is of Type LEAPFROG. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property LoadMachineCommandReturns a LoadMachine object if Command is of Type GET_MACHINE_DATA. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property LoadProbeCommandReturns a LoadProbe object if Command is of Type GET_PROBE_DATA. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property Marked

Property used to indicate/set whether command is marked in the edit window.

Public Property MasterArmRead Only: Property indicating whether the command belongs to the master arm only
Public Property MissedHit

This property checks whether or not a missed hit occurred on the last executed instance of the specified command.

Public Property ModalCommand

Returns a ModalCommand object for the Command if it can, Nothing otherwise. Read-only.

Public Property MoveCommandReturns this Command object as a ModalCommand object if it can, Nothing otherwise. Read-only.
Public Property OptionProbeCommandReturns an OptProbe object if Command is of Type OPTIONPROBE. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property OptMotionCommandReturns an OptMotion object if Command is of Type OPTIONMOTION. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property Parent

Returns the parent Commands collection object. Read-only.

Public Property RecalculateINOUTRead/Write: Flag that determines if the INNER/OUTER flag is recalculated after execution
Public Property ScanCommandReturns a Scan object if Command is of Type DCCSCAN_OBJECT or Type MANSCAN_OBJECT. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property ShowIDOnCad

Property used to indicate/set whether the command ID should be displayed in the CAD window.

Public Property Skipped

Property used to indicate whether the a command was skipped over.

Public Property SlaveArm

Property used to indicate/set whether command is a slave arm object.

Public Property SlotTypeRead only: Property indicating whether a command is a slot of a certain type
Public Property StatisticCommandReturns a Statistics object if Command is of Type STATISTICS. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property StrategiesRead Only: Returns the Strategies collection if any otherwise it returns nothing
Public Property TempCompCommandReturns a TempComp object if Command is of Type TEMP_COMP. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property ToleranceCommandRead Only: Returns the Tolereance Command
Public Property ToolkitInternalCommandsRead Only: Returns a collection of the toolkit internal commands
Public Property ToolkitParentCommandThis read-only property returns the ToolkitParent command object it it exists. If it doesn't, it returns null.
Public Property TraceFieldCommandReturns a TraceField object if Command is of Type TRACEFIELD. Otherwise it returns Nothing. Read-only.
Public Property TracksErrorsProperty used to determine whether or not the script will handle errors for the specified command.
Public Property TypeReturns the type of the Command.
Public Property TypeDescription

Returns a human-readable description of Type of the object. For example, an object of type CONST_OFF_PLANE has the string "Constructed Offset Plane" returned by this function.

Public Property UnexpectedHit

This property checks whether or not an unexpected hit occurred on the last executed instance of the specified command.

Public Property UserDefinedUniqueIDRead/Write: Gets/Sets user defined unique id

See Also

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