Defining Edit Window Colors

Color Editor dialog box

The Edit | Preferences | Edit Window Colors menu option displays the Color Editor dialog box. You must be in Command mode or DMIS mode to select this menu item.

The Color Editor dialog box allows you to define the colors used for the Edit window text and background when you have the Edit window in Command and DMIS modes. You can also export your color scheme to use on different computer systems or import external color schemes.

The Color Editor dialog box only specifies the colors in textual modes of the Edit window such as the Command and DMIS.

There are four principal colors that can be configured for all commands or for individual commands. You can determine whether to show these colors as a highlighted background color or as text color by selecting or clearing the Enable Background Highlighting check box. These are listed in the four boxes in the Command Text Colors area.

By default, the Enable Background Highlighting check box is selected, making the boxes appear with the following colors:

If you clear this check box to enable text coloring instead, PC-DMIS shows the boxes as follows:

Principal Colors

Marked - This color is used on any feature that is marked for execution. Some features such as alignments are always executed and therefore always show up in the Marked color.

Unmarked - This color is used for unmarked features. This color is the default color. If no other condition is present then the default color is used.

Step Mode - This color is used when highlighting the line upon which execution next occurs when executing a measurement routine using breakpoints.

Error - This color shows commands that are in error or measurements that are outside of their tolerance limits. For example, if a tip is recalled but is not defined in the probe database, this tip text is colored with the error color.

You can also change background colors for the Edit window, dimensions, and the highlight color.

Background Color - This sets the background color used in the Edit window.

Dimension Background Color - This sets the background color for a dimension's reporting boxes.

Highlight Background Color - This sets the background color when dragging the mouse to select a command or group of commands.

You might be interested in color schemes created by other users. You can search for those on the PC-DMIS forums. For example, to get an unsupported dark theme created by one of our writers, go to this post.


To change the command text colors used

To change the background colors used

To export a color scheme

To import and use a color scheme

Related Topics:

Understanding the Default Edit Window Colors and Formatting