Distance Target Area

Distance Target area

Distance to target check box
When you select the Distance to target check box, and the Display distance to closest CAD check box is not checked, PC-DMIS displays the distance of the probe to the target point depending on the Distance to setting. Otherwise, PC-DMIS always displays the distance to the closest CAD.

The probe's position is displayed in the active coordinate system. Manually drive the probe to the keyed in location. When the target point is reached, the Probe Readouts window will display 0,0,0.

A red line also appears on the Graphic Display window from the probe tip to the target, indicating the next feature to measure.

Red Line Pointing to the center of the PLN6 Feature

The target is based on the combination of options specified in the Distance to and Target areas of the dialog box. See a description of these options below and in the "Description of Target for T Value" topic.

With Auto Zoom check box
When you select both the Distance to Target check box and With Auto Zoom check box, PC-DMIS also displays the distance of the probe to the target point. The probe’s position is displayed in the active coordinate system. As the probe is manually driven to the keyed in location, PC-DMIS makes the target point the center of the screen and zooms in on the point in the Graphic Display window.

Distance area
This area contains these two option buttons to further define the target:

You can determine the exact location on the target feature (either the centroid or the closest surface/edge point) by selecting the desired option from the Target area.

Target area
This area contains two option buttons to determine the exact target location to use:

As shown in the above image, for example, while measuring the circle (CIR1), the Surface/Edge option causes the Probe Readouts window to show the distance to the actual target point at location A.

As shown in the above image, for example, while measuring the circle (CIR1), the Centroid option causes the Probe Readouts window to show the distance to the feature's centroid at location B, instead of the actual target point.

Display distance to closest CAD check box
Marking this check box has several effects. When marked, the target becomes the closest point on the nearest CAD surface. The red line connects the probe tip to this target.

Also, PC-DMIS displays a ‘T’ (CAD) value, or total deviation value, in the Probe Readouts window. See the "Description of Target for T Value" topic for information on exactly what the distance is used for each feature's T value.

This setting overrules the Distance to Target setting during execution.

Apply dimension color check box
This check box changes the colors of the deviation values (Distance to Target values) to match the out of tolerance dimension colors.

Closest CAD tolerance field
This is the field to enter the tolerance (in current units), which is used to determine the maximum distance the software tries to locate the surface to compare the current probe position to. Beyond this distance, no distance to CAD will be returned.


Description of Target for T Value