To Define the Probe Configuration for Each Port

  1. Select the appropriate probe changer from the Active probe changer list on the Ports tab (Edit | Preferences | Probe Changer).

  2. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the port number. PC-DMIS displays a "(no probe)" item as the default.

  3. Double-click or right-click on the "(no probe)" item. A list appears.

  4. Assign the appropriate probe file or extension to each port. (If you want to remove a probe file or an extension from a port, double-click it and then select the "(no probe)" item from the list.)

  1. Select the port number and then click the Edit Port Data button. The Probe Changer Port Data dialog box appears. For help with this dialog box, see "To Manually Edit a Port's Data".

  2. From the Port type list, specify the type hardware that you want the ports to hold:

  1. Define the XYZ location for the port by typing the X, Y, and Z values for Port number.

  2. If you are using an ACR1 or a TESASTAR-R / HR-R probe changer, and you have defined the port type as Extension Only, enter the value for the Rotation angle of bottom joint (degrees) box. You can also define the XYZ location of the bottom of the extension by defining the X,Y, and Z boxes in the With empty extension area.

  3. Define the Before drop-off and Before pick-up clearance distance values as desired. For more information, see "About Port Clearance Distances".

  4. Click OK to accept your changes.

  5. Each probe configuration must be loaded into the rack using the CMM Arm and Load Active Probe option. (Do not insert the probe into the rack by hand.)

Extensions are not manufactured within the necessary tolerances to be interchangeable without recalibration. Therefore, if you have already configured a port for a specific extension, and you want that port to hold a different extension (even an extension of the same size), you need to recalibrate the port for the new extension.