(Advanced) ClearanceCube Definition - Size tab

Use the Size tab in the advanced-style ClearanceCube Definition dialog box (Operation | Graphic Display Window | ClearanceCube) to customize the distance from the CAD model along individual axes or at specific coordinates along individual axes. Initially, the values of each of the six faces are populated with the Offset value from the simple-style dialog box if you entered one.

You can also size the ClearanceCube by dragging a face in the Graphic Display window:

  1. From the ClearanceCube toolbar, click the Show ClearanceCube icon to show the ClearanceCube.

  2. From the ClearanceCube toolbar, click the Resize ClearanceCube icon to enable the ability to resize the ClearanceCube.

  3. Hover your mouse over a face of the ClearanceCube to highlight it.

  4. Then click and drag the ClearanceCube to a new location. This becomes the new offset value for the selected face.

ClearanceCube Definition dialog box - Size tab

CAD Model area - This area sets the size of the ClearanceCube at a distance offset from each of the six sides.

Minimum XYZ boxes - These boxes set the offset distance of the ClearanceCube away from the XMINUS, YMINUS, and ZMINUS sides.

Maximum XYZ boxes - These boxes set the offset distance of the ClearanceCube away from the XPLUS, YPLUS, and ZPLUS sides.

Non-CAD Model area - You can use this area to define the size of a ClearanceCube for a measurement routine that does not have a CAD model. To define a ClearanceCube for this type of measurement routine, select the Override CAD ClearanceCube check box. If you have not met this option's requirements, the following message appears, listing the conditions that you must complete before you can override the ClearanceCube:


Override CAD ClearanceCube can be done when the following items are completed:

1. An alignment exists in the Measurement Routine.

2. CAD Equals Part has been set.

To set CAD Equals Part, select: Operation | Graphic Display Window | CAD Equals Part.

Override CAD ClearanceCube message

To resolve this message, do the following:

To define the size of the ClearanceCube:

    1. In the list underneath the Override CAD ClearanceCube check box, select an alignment ID.

    2. Do one of the following:


Position probe (tip) to define ClearanceCube corner (Front Lower Left).

where tip is the probe tip at the cursor's current location in the Edit window.

Ensure that the probe tip you want to use is the one that appears in the message. If you want to change the probe tip, click Cancel, select the desired probe tip in the Edit window, and click the read points (Browse button) button again.


Position probe (tip) to define ClearanceCube corner (Rear Upper Right).

The (tip) in the message above is the probe tip at the cursor's current location in the Edit window.

Preview Area - The CAD preview shows the effects of your offset modifications as it sizes the ClearanceCube preview.

Activate ClearanceCube Motion - For details on this check box, see "(Simple) ClearanceCube Definition".

Show ClearanceCube - For details on this check box, see "(Simple) ClearanceCube Definition".

Resize ClearanceCube - For details on this check box, see "(Simple) ClearanceCube Definition".

Simple - This button sets the ClearanceCube Definition dialog box back to its initial simplified state.