Graphical Representation of Auto Feature and QuickFeature Vectors

Vector colors and the dialog box labels associated with the vectors are color-coded for easy identification.

PC-DMIS uses the following colors for both the vector graphical display as well as the respective dialog box label.

Auto Features


An example of the Ellipse Auto feature showing the Surface vector, Angle vector, Start Angle vector, and End Angle vector is shown below.

Example showing an Ellipse Auto feature and its associated vectors

You can easily determine each vector by associating its color in the Graphic Display window with the labels in the dialog box.

The Auto Feature dialog box for the Edge Point example below shows the Surface vector color as blue and the Edge vector color as green. The Surface and Edge labels in the respective dialog boxes are colored accordingly.

Standardized Vector Sizing

The size of the vectors is set by the Pt. Size value entered in the Analysis section of the respective dialog. For example, the image below shows the vector size for an Edge Point Auto feature when the Pt. Size value is set to 5.

Example of an Edge Point Auto feature with the Pt. Size set to 5

If the Pt. Size value is set to 0 (zero), the vectors are a fixed value and do not auto-scale. This is true for both the Auto features and QuickFeature modes as shown below.

Example of an Edge Point Auto feature with the Pt. Size set to 0 (zero)


Creating Auto Features: Introduction

Quick Ways to Create Auto Features

The Auto Feature Dialog Box

Inserting Auto Features

Auto Feature Field Definitions

Setting Up Relative Measure (RMEAS)