Inserting Auto Features

Did you press F1 on the Auto Feature dialog box to get here? See "The Auto Feature Dialog Box" if you want to know what the different components of the dialog box do.

The PC-DMIS configurations that support Auto features differ in which Auto features they support as well as how those features are created. Because of this, information on creating and inserting Auto Features into your measurement routine is not covered here. Instead, consult the documentation set for your PC-DMIS configuration from the list below:

Contact (PC-DMIS CMM) Vision (PC-DMIS Vision) Laser (PC-DMIS Laser)

Auto Vector Point


Auto Surface Point

Auto Surface Point

Auto Surface Point

Auto Edge Point

Auto Edge Point

Auto Edge Point

Auto Angle Point


Auto Corner Point


Auto High Point

  Auto High Point

Auto Line

Auto Line  

Auto Plane


Auto Plane

Auto Circle

Auto Circle

Auto Circle

Auto Ellipse

Auto Ellipse


Auto Square Slot

Auto Square Slot

Auto Square Slot

Auto Round Slot

Auto Round Slot

Auto Round Slot

Auto Notch Slot

Auto Notch Slot


Auto Polygon

Auto Polygon

Auto Polygon

Auto Cylinder


Auto Cylinder

Auto Cone


Auto Cone

Auto Sphere


Auto Sphere


Auto Flush and Gap

Probe Toolbox Information

Contact Probe Toolbox

Vision Probe Toolbox

Laser Probe Toolbox

Once an Auto feature is created, its command appears inside the Edit window (see "Auto Feature Field Definitions"). You can then mark the command and have PC-DMIS execute it like any other command or feature.