Inserting a Move Clear Plane Command

The Insert | Move | Move Clearplane command allows you to insert the MOVE/CLEARPLANE command between blocks and within features.

A MOVE/CLEARPLANE command works in conjunction with a preceding CLEARP/ command and a following motion command to move to a clearance plane. The MOVE/CLEARPLANE command gives permission for the next move, measure, tip selection, or Auto feature command to move to the predefined clearance plane prior to execution.

The probe remains at the clearance plane until a command is encountered that moves the probe away from the clearance plane, such as a MEAS HIT, or MOVE/POINT command. If you want the probe to move to the clearance plane before each hit of a measured feature, then a MOVE/CLEARPLANE command must be inserted directly before each HIT/ command.

PC-DMIS searches for the clearance plane definition. For this command to work, the parameters must have already been set.

To set the parameters for a Clearplane command:

  1. Access the Parameter Settings dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Parameters).

  2. Select the Clearance Plane tab.

  3. Type the distance for the Value box in the Active Plane area.

  4. Type the distance for the clearance plane in the Value box of the Pass Through area.

  5. Select the Clearance Planes Active check box.

  6. Click the OK button.

If the parameters have not been set, PC-DMIS displays an error message.

The Edit window command line for a sample Move Clearplane would read:

For an in-depth discussion on how to define and work with clearance planes, see "Parameter Settings: Clearance Plane tab" in the "Setting Your Preferences" chapter.