Step 7: Enter Multiple Arm Mode

Once you have set up the computers and are in a measurement routine, the Operation | Enter Multiple Arm Mode menu option becomes selectable from the Arm1 (primary) computer. Select this option.

PC-DMIS displays a check mark to the left of the Operation | Enter Multiple Arm Mode option. PC-DMIS also displays the Active Arms toolbar.

When PC-DMIS enters multiple arm mode, it attempts to establish a link between the multiple computer systems. This link coordinates the activities of all the arms.


If PC-DMIS cannot establish the link among the computers after it enters multiple arm mode, an error message appears and informs you of the arm that isn't responding. The following may cause this communication problem:

Once you have a link between the multiple computers, you can calibrate the relationship between the arms.

Exiting the active measurement routine also removes PC-DMIS from multiple arm mode.

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