MLB Error Codes

This section details these MLB error codes:

MLB-001 MP Internal syntax error MLB-080 Improper probe installed
MLB-003 Communications error MLB-088 RCU Drive button used with QU
MLB-004 Numeric error MLB-089 RCU Return-to-screen button used with QU
MLB-005 Communications error MLB-090 DCC not available
MLB-006 Output mask logical translation error MLB-091 Contact not made with part
MLB-007 Output unavailable MLB-092 Insufficient clearance
MLB-010 Unidentified FCS MLB-093 Remote auto not configured
MLB-011 First record in skip file is invalid MLB-094 Remote auto interlock not engaged
MLB-012 Invalid record in skip file MLB-095 Servo power failed to engage
MLB-013 Skip file access error MLB-096 Unable to select Auto mode
MLB-014 Nested code blocks MLB-100 Probe head datum error
MLB-015 Missing begin block MLB-101 Probe head obstruction error
MLB-016 Nested skip sequence MLB-110 Tip 0 not calibrated
MLB-017 Invalid end skip block function MLB-111 Spherical calibration fixture required
MLB-018 Improper tolerancing mode MLB-112 Temperature change invalidated tip 0 calibration
MLB-019 Improper parameter MLB-113 Negative probe diameter invalidated calibration
MLB-020 No parameter permitted MLB-114 Excessive probe offsets invalidated calibration
MLB-021 First parameter invalid MLB-115 File error on feature or probe storage operation
MLB-022 Second parameter invalid MLB-116 Not on circle at beginning of circular move
MLB-023 Third parameter invalid MLB-120 Part improperly aligned or scaled
MLB-024 Fourth parameter invalid MLB-130 Operator abort
MLB-025 Invalid parameter specified MLB-131 Electronic level not available
MLB-026 Invalid tip specified MLB-132 Electronic level interface timeout
MLB-027 Excessive angular deviation MLB-140 Point not available
MLB-028 Insufficient number of parameters MLB-150 APC rack not connected
MLB-029 Dimensional array values out of range MLB-151 APC firmware or interface not present
MLB-030 Feature stack does not contain required features MLB-152 APC rack not calibrated
MLB-031 First parameter specifies invalid type MLB-153 APC/MP communication error
MLB-032 Second parameter specifies invalid type MLB-154 APC rack-timeout or lock failure
MLB-033 Plane is invalid type MLB-155 APC rack overtravel
MLB-034 Cannot intersect concentric circles MLB-156 Safe position not defined
MLB-035 Line perpendicular to workplane MLB-157 No extensions loaded
MLB-036 Invalid (null) feature addressed MLB-158 Too many extensions loaded
MLB-037 Invalid feature type MLB-160 Firmware entity not found
MLB-038 Cannot intersect line parallel with cylinder axis MLB-161 APC rack could not be lowered
MLB-040 Summation array does not contain enough features MLB-162 APC rack could not be raised
MLB-041 Points do not define the feature MLB-164 Insufficient analog probe deflection
MLB-042 Summations invalid MLB-166 Not a circle
MLB-043 Segmentation in progress MLB-168 Unexpected touch
MLB-044 Segmentation not initialized MLB-169 Unexpected end-of-travel
MLB-045 Command cannot be skipped MLB-170 Touch probe will not rearm
MLB-050 RCU not available MLB-173 PH9 probe overload
MLB-060 Rotary table not available MLB-190 Too much probe deflection
MLB-061 Rotary table counter not available MLB-191 Came off surface
MLB-062 Not allowed on rotary table with counter MLB-505 User Key Unknown
MLB-063 Not allowed on error-corrected rotary table -
MLB-064 Not allowed on a Hirth coupling table -
MLB-070 Reference not saved -
MLB-071 Feature storage overflow -
MLB-072 Feature not found -