Surface Topography Sensor

You can use the Surface Topography sensor to quickly acquire point data from a specific region of interest on smooth and rough surfaces. PC-DMIS automatically adds points to your pointcloud for analysis.

With an integrated half-transparent small mirror, topography lenses split the coaxial toplight into two light beams:

Both beams then come together onto the camera sensor where they produce an interferometric signal depending on the distance to the surface.

When the signal moves through the focus of the surface, it varies according to the distance. The sensor then evaluates each pixel independently.


You must have the ROY-TOPOGRAPHY license enabled to use the Surface Topography sensor.

Without the license option enabled, PC-DMIS does not load the Surface Scan module on start up. When you run a measurement routine that contains a Surface Scan command, the following message appears:

PC-DMIS Message

The "None" command is not supported by the currently active "Surface Topography" probe.

Without the license option, this message appears for the probe command:

PC-DMIS Message

Your license does not authorize you to use this probe type - Surface Topography.

Supported Lenses

The supported lenses for the Surface Topography sensor are:

Related Topics:

See the "Surface Topography Sensor" section of the PC-DMIS Vision documentation.

See the "Topography" section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor documentation.


Vision Supported Interfaces

Surface Topography Configuration Settings