Gage buttons

The following Gage buttons are available while using gages to do optical comparisons.

Gage Button


The Lock Gage to Part button secures the position of the gage onto the graphical representation of the part. Until you click this button again, you can't move or edit the gage. You can still modify the size and rotation however.

The Center Gage button centers the target or Field of View (FOV). What actually moves depends on the status of the Lock Gage to Part button.

  • If you click Center Gage with the Lock Gage to Part button already selected, PC-DMIS Vision moves the current FOV to the target. This is only available on DCC Motion machines.

  • If you click Center Gage with the Lock Gage to Part button deselected, the target moves to the current FOV.

The Zero Readouts DXYZ button resets the Probe Readout window's DXYZ value to the position of the current gage. This allows you to measure distances using gages. To do this:

  1. Position the gage on one feature.

  2. Click to zero the readouts.

  3. Move the gage to another feature and examine the DXYZ values on the Probe Readout window. This is the distance between the two features. See the "Using the Probe Readouts window with Optical Probes".