Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Core Help File > Creating and Using Alignments > About QuickAlign > Using QuickAlign
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Core
Measure the alignment features you want to use in the QuickAlign.
From the QuickMeasure
or Alignment
toolbar, click the QuickAlign icon , or select the Insert
| Alignment | QuickAlign menu item.
If no other user-defined alignment command exists, PC-DMIS automatically selects the features and creates the alignment depending on whether the measurement routine is in Startup mode or Standard mode.
QuickAlign creates the alignment based on:
Feature type
Selection order
Feature positions relative to each other
QuickAlign constrains the degrees of freedom (DOF) as explained below:
The first feature constrains all available DOF possible for that feature type.
If two or more features are selected, the second feature constrains all available unconstrained DOF possible for that feature type.
If three features are selected, the third feature constrains as many remaining unconstrained DOF possible for that feature type.
QuickAlign aligns the machine axes closest to the theoretical axis of the features that determine the LEVEL and ROTATE.
QuickAlign supports all valid cases of feature combinations for creating an alignment.
PC-DMIS displays the DOF that are controlled by the alignment on the Status bar.
For more information on constraining degrees of freedom, see the "Alignment Overview" topic.