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Current Help File: PC-DMIS Core
Dimension Feature Location dialog box
The Insert | Dimension | Location menu option calculates the distance from the feature to the X, Y, Z origin, parallel to its respective axis. The feature's diameter, angle, and vector are also part of the calculation. This section relates only to location or coordinate dimensioning. For position dimensions, see "Dimensioning Position".
Location can be calculated using Cartesian or Polar coordinates, Position or box tolerancing.
To switch between Cartesian and Polar coordinates, select Pang or Prad in the Feature Location dialog box.
To switch between POSITION and RECT tolerancing methods, see the "Dimensioning Position" dimension option.
By default, the dialog box marks the Auto check box. To change the default behavior for your measurement routine, see the "Default Axes for Location Dimensions" topic.
For legacy Circularity and Cylindricity dimensions as well as a Location dimension's RN Line, the feature solution is used to compute the dimension. By default this is Least Squares. However, you can choose to solve the feature using Minimum Separation, Maximum Inscribed, Minimum Circumscribed, or Fixed Radius regression algorithms.
FCF Circularity and Cylindricity dimensions on the other hand are computed using the Chebychev algorithm (Min/Max) as required by the Y14.5 standard. Because of the change in calculation, Circularity and Cylindricity FCF dimensions will generally compute to a slightly smaller value than their legacy counterparts.
FCF form dimensions that use the Chebychev algorithm include flatness and straightness.
To Dimension a Feature Using the LOCATION Option:
Default Axes for Location Dimensions