Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Laser > Using the Mesh Commands > Creating a Mesh Feature
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Laser (View Core Help)
You can create a Grid Mesh or a 3D Mesh from the Create Mesh dialog box.
The Mesh license must be enabled to use or view this option.
Follow one of these procedures to create the appropriate Mesh feature:
The 3D Mesh is the preferred method and typically results in a better mesh. The design of the Grid Mesh method is for you to use it when the scan of the original COP used the Pointcloud Mesh Display option. When you use the Grid Mesh method with a COP, and you did not scan using the Mesh Display option, the result may be an incomplete or poorly-defined mesh. Creating a mesh is a time-consuming operation.
For details on the Pointcloud Display options, see "Pointcloud Display Area" in this documentation.
When done, you can do any of the following:
Click Reset to remove the created mesh from the Edit window and Graphic Display window.
Click Close to close the dialog box and cancel the mesh operation if you did not click Create to create the mesh feature.