Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Portable > PC-DMIS Portable: User Interface > Using the Portable Toolbars > Tracker Toolbars > Tracker Measure Toolbar
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Portable (View Core Help)
Machine Interface Parameters (Shift + F4) - Opens
the Machine Options dialog box. The tabs in
this dialog box may vary depending on the type of optical machine you
have and whether you’re running in Online or Offline mode.
For details, see "Setting Machine Options" in the PC-DMIS Vision documentation.
Take Hit (Ctrl
+ H) - Measures a stationary T-Probe or Reflector position based
on the measuring profile specified on the Sensor Configuration tab of the Machine
Options dialog box or on the Tracker Operations
toolbar, respectively.
Start/Stop Continuous
Mode (Ctrl + I) - Starts or stops a scan, based on the basic scan
settings on the Probing tab of the Parameter
Settings dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Parameters).
The default value for Distance delta provides
a continuous distance separation of 2 mm.
The AT401 does not support the Start/Stop Continuous Mode. Only the ATS600 supports area scans.
End Feature (END) - Tells PC-DMIS that the number of hits for the
feature has been reached and it can calculate the feature.
Erase Hit (Alt
+ -) - Deletes the last-measured hit.
Delete Feature
(Ctrl + D) - Deletes the current feature.
Tracker Scan
- Performs the area scan, ring scan, or line scan.
Click the small black arrow to display the Scan toolbar:
For details, see "Performing an Area Scan", "Performing a Ring Scan", and "Performing a Line Scan".