Advanced Tab - Gage Scan Calibration Strategy

You can use the Advanced tab for the Gage Scan Calibration strategy to override the calculated settings and any parameters that PC-DMIS automatically configured:

Sample Advanced tab

Sample Advanced tab


If you select this check box, it overrides any parameters that PC-DMIS automatically configured. It also enables the Point Density, Scan Speed, Acceleration, and Offset Force options. You can use these options to change the scanning characteristics for this measurement.

If you selected the Hardware Compensation option on the Setup tab, the Override check box is selected by default.

Point Density

Type or select the number of readings to take per unit of measurement during the scan.

Scan Speed

Type or select the scan speed (mm/sec).


Type or select the acceleration to use during a scan. The value is specified in mm/sec/sec.

Offset Force

Type or select the level of force to maintain during a scan. The value is specified in newtons.

Scan Type

Select the type of scan that you want to execute on the controller: