Importing a DES File

(The information in this topic contains file-specific information for the "General Import Procedure" covered in the "Importing CAD Data" topic.)

You can choose to import a .des file.

When you click Import, PC-DMIS displays the DES File dialog box.

DES File dialog box

DES File dialog box

Feature or Fixture - This option specifies what type of data you want to import. If you select Feature, you can select the Use Symbols check box to use feature labels.

XYZ (LWH) or XZY (LHW) - This option specifies the orientation for the imported data.

Metric - Use this check box if the needed units are not specified in the DES file.

Explode polylines to points - This check box converts imported lines into points. Additionally, you can select the Keep polylines check box to keep the imported polylines.

Process - This button imports the DES file.

OK - This button accepts the processed file.

Once you import the DES file you can create features similar to other CAD formats. For more information, see "DES Input" in the "Working in Offline Mode" appendix.