Command Mode Display Options

Edit Window Layout dialog box

Edit Window Layout dialog box-Command tab

The Command tab of the Edit Window Layout dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Edit Window Layout) allows you to choose which of the following display options are available for Command mode.

Show Features
This option displays the features measured by the measurement routine.

Show Alignments
This option shows alignment changes as they occur during the measurement routine. It displays all alignment changes that occur in the dimension or feature lists.

Show Moves
This option shows any moves that have been added to the measurement routine.

Show Comments
This option shows any comments that have been added to the measurement routine. (See "Inserting Programmer Comments" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter for additional information.)

Show Dimensions
This option displays the specified dimension for the features inspected by PC-DMIS. It is displayed in the selected format using the FORMAT command described in the "Dimension Format" topic in the "Using the Edit Window" chapter.

Show Hits
This option displays each hit.

Show Header / Footer
This option displays the header or footer from the LOGO.DAT, HEADER.DAT, and ELOGO.DAT files. (See "Modifying the Edit Window's Headers and Footers" in the "Using the Edit Window" chapter for information on altering these files.)

Show Tips
This option displays the tip file names used to inspect the part.

For information on working with Command mode, see the "Working in Command Mode" topic in the "Using the Edit Window" chapter.