Step 10 - Slide the Probe Rack to the Right Side of its Travel Range

To continue with the calibration process for the ACR3 Probe Changer, you need to reposition the ACR3 probe changer to the right side of its travel range (the "locked" position.) The keys should now be oriented at approximately the 11 o'clock position.

The prompt for the locked position is:

PC-DMIS Message

Move the ACR3 to the locked position (right-hand side of travel) then click OK.

After the OK, DCC calibration will resume.

Prompt for moving the ACR3 to the locked position

  1. Manually slide the ACR3 probe changer to the right side of its travel range by pushing it along the FCR rail, as shown below:

View of the ACR3 probe changer at the right side of its travel range

  1. When the probe changer is correctly positioned, click OK to continue the calibration process.

WARNING: When you do this, the machine moves. To avoid injury, stay clear of the machine. To avoid hardware damage, run the machine at a slower speed.

In the next step, you move the probe head into port 4.