Step 5 - Take a Point with the Overhang of the Collet

For the LSPX5 / HR-XS Probe Changer, the prompt to take a point on the overhang of the collet is:

PC-DMIS Message

Please take a hit on top of the clamp for port 1, using the overhang of the collet near the probe pin.

Prompt to take a hit on top of the clamp for port 1

You must take a point on the top of the first port, using the overhang of the collet. The image below shows the overhang of the collet:

Over-hang of the collet

Overhang of the collet

The image below shows how to take a point with the overhang:

One point with the over-hang of the collet

One point with the overhang of the collet

In the next step, you define the location of the first port.