Step 4 - Prepare for Calibration

This step starts the calibration process for the Travel Rack HR-X1-TR. The calibration process requires a tip with at least 50 mm of length. It should not exceed 5 mm in diameter.

To calibrate the probe changer, you need tip angles A90 and B90.

To start the calibration process:

  1. Select the Calibrate tab in the Probe Changer dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Probe Changer):

Probe Changer dialog box - Calibrate tab

Probe Changer dialog box - Calibrate tab

  1. In the Active probe changer list, select Probe Changer 1: TYPE=TRAVELRACKX1V.

  2. The entry in the Active probe file list defaults to the current measurement routine setting. If this is not what is to be used for the rack calibration, select the proper probe.

  3. The entry in the Active tip list defaults to the angles from the Mount Point tab, but this rack type requires a different tip for the calibration. It must be the one that points directly into the rack so that it can take measurements inside the ports. This is usually T1A90B90.

  4. Click Calibrate.

  5. When you are ready to take the first measurement, click OK.

In the next step, you take the manual hits.