Polar / Cartesian

This icon switches your coordinate system between Polar and Cartesian modes. This changes the coordinate system PC-DMIS uses to display the point or center values for the Auto feature.

In Polar mode, when the icon is raised, the values appear as radius, angle, and height (shown as R, A, and H in the dialog box). The height depends on the workplane currently being used. If the current workplane is ZPLUS, the height is the Z value. In this mode, if you are modifying a Vector Point feature and update the value of the angle in the A box, PC-DMIS automatically updates the corresponding surface vector of the feature. This helps you to update the surface vector in measurement routines that don't use CAD. For more information on the surface vector value, see "IJKT Surface Boxes".

Inner/Outer/None list

In Polar mode, if you select the Azimuth angle (A) or you select the In or Out option from the list and the proper symmetry is set (Cylindrical or Spherical), the surface vector is correctly defined. If you select None, no change is applied to the surface vector.

The Inner/Outer/None is only available when you select the Polar mode option. PC-DMIS applies it when you either:

The Inner/Outer/None information for auto vector and auto surface points are not explicitly exposed in the Edit window when it is in Summary, Command, or DMIS mode.

In Cartesian mode, when the icon is depressed, the values appear in XYZ.