Point Target Radius

Use the Point Target Radius box in the Iterative Alignment dialog box (Insert | Alignment | New | Iterative button) to specify the target radius tolerance for measured point features used as inputs in the alignment. Measured input points include the following:

While you can usually see the location needed to measure a circle on a part easily enough, determining the exact location to measure a point on the surface isn't easily done. Without any visual indicators to tell you where to measure the point, it is difficult to manually measure the point in an exact spot. The Point Target Radius specifies an imaginary tolerance zone (or target) the size of the radius, around each point. This allows you to take a manual hit anywhere within the indicated tolerance when you execute the measurement routine. If the measured point does not fall within this zone, PC-DMIS re-measures the point in DCC mode.

PC-DMIS attempts to re-measure the input features based on the selected check boxes in the Iterative Alignment dialog box (see "Meas All Once" and "Meas All Always").

If you don’t select either the Meas All Always or Meas All Once check box (or if you manually set MEASURE ALL FEAT=NO in the Edit window),

Be careful not to set the vector Point Target Radius value too small (for example 50 microns ). Many CMMs are unable to accurately position the probe to touch each measured point on a minuscule target. A better choice is a tolerance of about .5 millimeters. If the re-measurement continues indefinitely, increase the value.