QuickAlign in Startup Mode

When you first create a measurement routine, it contains a STARTUP command with a default alignment. For QuickAlign, the measurement routine is considered to be in "Startup mode" if it does not have any user-defined alignment commands.

If it is in Startup mode, the following apply:

For more information, on DCC alignment creation, see the "DCC Alignment Creation for QuickAlign" topic.

You can have non-feature commands, like dimensions, assignments, and so on, in-between the features used for the alignment.

An Example

Measure a plane, line, and a point.

From the QuickMeasure or Alignment toolbar, click the QuickAlign icon , or select the Insert | Alignment | QuickAlign menu item.

QuickAlign searches up from the end of the measurement routine and collects the three newest features to use in the alignment.

It then uses the collected features to automatically generate fully constrained manual and DCC alignments.

Clearance moves or other moves points are not generated. To avoid collision during probe motion, be sure to activate the ClearanceCube or insert MOVE/POINT commands as needed. QuickAlign does insert an Operator comment (COMMENT/OPER) to remind the operator to add all needed clearance avoidance commands.



Alignment Backfilling for QuickAlign

DCC Alignment Creation for QuickAlign