Location Axes

This table describes the available Location Axes and their functions that you can choose from when you edit dimension information.

The following options are available:

Worst check box
This option uses the axis that gives the worst out of tolerance condition. PC-DMIS searches through the available axes and selects the one that gives the worst case scenario for the dimension.

Use Dim Axes check box
This option simply uses the axes that were previously defined in the dimension's dialog box.

X check box
This option displays the X axis value.

Y check box
This option displays the Y axis value.

Z check box
This option displays the Z axis value.

Prad check box
Prad stands for Polar Radius. This option selects Polar coordinates.

Pang check box
Pang stands for Polar Angle. This option selects Polar coordinates.

Area check box
This option displays the area of a selected Blob feature. It appears as AR in the DIMINFO box and in the report. (PC-DMIS Vision uses Blob features.) Legacy reports only show this information if you also mark the Use dim axes check box from the Position area. For information on Use dim axes, see "Position Axes".

D check box
This option displays the Diameter value.

R check box
This option displays the Radius (half of Diameter) value.

A check box
This option displays the Angle (for cones) value.

L check box
This option displays the Length (used for cylinders, slots, cones, and ellipses).

H check box
This option displays the Height.

V check box
This option displays the Vector location.

T check box
For points on curved surfaces, this option displays the deviation from the nominal along the feature's vector.

RT check box
This option displays the deviation along the report vector.

S check box
This option displays the deviation along the surface vector.

RS check box
This option displays the deviation along the surface report vector.

PD check box
This option displays the diameter of a circle (perpendicular to the pin vector).

Form check box
This option displays the integrated form dimension for the feature. See "Default Axes for Location Dimensions" in the "Using Legacy Dimensions" chapter.