Display Check Box

If you select the Display check box in the External Command dialog box (Insert | External Command), PC-DMIS displays a message that lets you know that routine execution is paused in order to run the external command. PC-DMIS pauses execution until you click OK on the message.

Note that this message only appears if you have turned it on inside the Warnings Display Options dialog box.

To get this message to appear:

  1. Press F5 to access the Setup Options dialog box.

  2. From the General tab, click the Warnings button. The Warnings Display Options dialog box appears.

  3. Select the OK Execution paused in order to spawn a process check box. Select OK to continue execution.

If you do not select the Display check box, PC-DMIS runs the specified external command without displaying any sort of message. PC-DMIS continues execution while the executable or batch file runs simultaneously. When not checked, the Wait check box becomes enabled. For more information, see "Wait Check Box".