To insert an External Command

Select the Insert | External Command menu option. The External Command dialog box appears.

  1. Specify an external command in the dialog box. To do this, either type the complete path for the file into the available box, or use the ... button to find the file.

  2. Select the Display check box if you want PC-DMIS to display a message informing you that routine execution is paused when running an external command. Execution remains paused until you click OK on the message. See "Display Check Box" topic for more information.

  3. Click OK. The command gets inserted into the Edit window.

The Edit window command line for this option reads:


DISPLAYSTATE - This toggle field controls whether or not PC-DMIS pauses execution and displays a message notifying you of an external execution. This field switches between DISPLAY and NO DISPLAY.

path name - This string represents the path and file name of the executable or batch file.