Step 12: Setup Routine Files for Automatic Use

With the previous steps completed, the dual arm setup is now ready to use. The tips are calibrated and related for both arms as well as with the probe changers.

However, there are times when you'll need to adjust the calibration or correct the offset (for example if you need to replace a damaged tip or if you want to substitute a different tip). Repeating the previous manual steps would be very time consuming. For this reason, it makes sense to use an automated approach. All you'd have to do is run a routine and PC-DMIS would automatically perform the procedures you did previously.

Before doing this, you should be very familiar with PC-DMIS operations.

Create two empty routines:

  1. AUTO_MAPS.PRG - This routine is used to create a complete automatic mapping with all probes. It'll measure many angles around the calibration sphere to create all the needed mappings. If you need to run this routine, it'll still take a long time to run (approximately one hour per arm), but at least the process will be automated.

  2. AUTO_UPDATE.PRG - This routine is used to update probes when, for example, a tip crashes and you need to update the calibration of a single tip. In this case you just need to have one update routine that uses AUTOCALIBRATE commands. This routine is much shorter to run as it involves only measuring a few orientations on the calibration sphere and is used to adjust the mapping for a new tip.

For now, just create the routines. You'll add content to them in later steps.

The next step provides information on adding commands to AUTO_MAPS.PRG.