Defining and Using Datums

Most geometric tolerances reference one or more datums. A datum reference consists of a datum identifier that refers to one or more datum features. A datum identifier is usually a single datum letter such as A or D, but it can be a sequence of up to three letters. In PC-DMIS, a datum identifier can refer to any of these:

PC-DMIS only allows you to use a single 1D width as a datum. You cannot use patterns of 1D widths as a datum.

A geometric tolerance may reference two or more datum identifiers at once by joining them with a hyphen, such as C-D; this is often called a common datum. PC-DMIS supports many combinations of features as common datums. For more information see “Common Datums”.


Datum Definition Dialog Box Usage and Command Syntax

Single Datums

Common Datums

Datum Patterns