About Reports and Report Templates

A report template is not a report, but a description for a report. The template describes what data PC-DMIS should use to create a report, where it will go, and what it will look like. You can use report templates for more than one measurement routine to standardize the look and feel of several reports.

You create templates inside of the Report Template Editor. Report template files have an .rtp filename extension and are created inside the PC-DMIS report template editor.

You can make report template files as simple or as complex as you like. A simple report template might contain a single TextReportObject, while a complex report template might contain several different objects, bitmap images, shapes, or even items that use the reporting expression language and scripting to detail exactly what appears from the report data.

Do not confuse the report template's filename extension, .rtp with the older HyperView report filename extension, .rpt. These are completely different file formats.


Understanding the Report Template Editor

Report Template Selection Precedence

Tutorial - Creating a Report Template

Applying or Removing a Report Template

Sharing Report Templates