Edit Text Reporting

Report dialog box

Report dialog box

The Report dialog box (available with template reporting) lets you determine the overall information that PC-DMIS includes in the Report window and how it displays that information.

You can access this dialog box in these ways:

The following check boxes let you show or hide various items:

Show Features
This option displays all feature measurements in your measurement routine.

If you are using the default report template, textonly.rtp, and your measurement routine measures a feature with more than the minimum number of points, it also displays a form plot of the feature.

Show Alignments
This option shows alignment changes as they occur during the measurement routine. It will display all alignment changes that occur in the dimension or feature lists.

Show Comments
This option shows any comments that have been added to the measurement routine. (For information on comments, see "Inserting Programmer Comments" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter.)

Show Header / Footer
This option displays a header and footer in your report by applying the label template defined in the File Header rule of the Rule Tree Editor. By default, this is the FILE_HEADER.LBL label template that ships with PC-DMIS.

Show Screen Captures
This option displays any screen capture graphics related to DISPLAY/METAFILE and ANALYSISVIEW commands in the report. (For information on screen captures, see "Using Screen Captures of the Graphic Display Window" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter.)

The Header after Print command area is enabled if you mark the Show Header / Footer check box. This area determines how PC-DMIS handles a report header after a PRINT/REPORT command. The list in that area contains these options:

PC-DMIS generates only one report header. It does not generate a new report header even if you execute a measurement routine with a PRINT/REPORT command in any kind of loop. (For information on the different kinds of loops, see the "Branching by Using Flow Control" chapter.)

PC-DMIS always generates a new report header for any next report output that follows the PRINT/REPORT command.

If File Header executed
PC-DMIS generates a new report header only if you executed the File Header command block before the PRINT/REPORT command. The File Header is the command block in the Edit window that has the part name, revision number, serial number, and so on. (This shows as "File Header" in Summary Mode.) By default, the File Header uses the FILE_HEADER.LBL template during report generation. While you cannot delete the File Header command block, you can skip over it with certain partial execution options, such as Execute from cursor. (For more information on partial execution, see "Executing Measurement Routines" in the "Using Advanced File Options" chapter.)

For more information on the PRINT/REPORT command, see "Inserting a Print Command" in the "Inserting Report Commands: Introduction" chapter.

The Dimensions area allows you to control the display of dimensions in your reports. To display dimensions, select the Show check box. Once selected, the other items in this area become available for selection. These include:

Selecting this option acts just as if you had selected both the Out of Tolerance Only and Dimensions Outside Limits options.

Out of Tolerance Only
If this option is marked, PC-DMIS will only show the out of tolerance dimensions. ("Show Dimensions" must be ON.)

This option is only available when you select Show Dimensions and deselect Show Dimensions Outside Limits.

Dimensions Outside Limits
If you select this option, PC-DMIS will only show the dimensions that lie outside the percentage of the tolerance zone.

When you select the Show Dimensions Outside Limits check box, the tolerance percentages will become editable, allowing one percentage for unilateral tolerances and an upper and lower percentage for bilateral tolerances.

The tolerance zone can be considered as a range between 0 and 100 percent (similar to how dimension colors are applied to tolerance zone regions or how the colored bar graphs are drawn at the end of dimensions). The lower limit (nominal - minus tol) corresponds to 0% and the upper limit (nominal + plus tol) corresponds to 100%. Consider the following chart where A, on the center of the chart, represents the nominal value:


Dimensions that have deviations outside the tolerance zone will either be less than zero or greater than one hundred percent.

For a unilateral dimension (like roundness, which only has a plus tolerance), the zero deviations are at zero percent, and out of tolerance is anything larger than one hundred percent.

Unilateral Example

Nominal: 0.0000

Measured: 0.0028

Deviation: 0.0028

Plus Tol: 0.0050

Minus Tol: 0.0000

Because this deviation is 56% of the tolerance range, it will be displayed if Unilateral Percentage is less than 56%.

For a bilateral dimension (like distance, which has both a plus and minus tolerance), the zero deviations are somewhere in the middle. If the tolerances are equal, the zero deviations will be at the fifty percent position.

Bilateral Upper Example

Nominal: 3.0000

Measured: 3.0075

Deviation: 0.0075

Plus Tol: 0.0100

Minus Tol: 0.0100

The percentage is calculated using the Lever Rule:

(measured value – lower limit) / (upper limit – lower limit) * 100.

With this data, it would be:

(3.0075-2.9900) / (3.0100-2.9900) * 100. = 87.5%

This dimension will be displayed in the inspection report if the Bilateral Upper Percentage is greater than 87.5%.

Bilateral Lower Example

Nominal: 3.0000

Measured: 2.9925

Deviation: 0.0075

Plus Tol: 0.0100

Minus Tol: 0.0100

The percentage is calculated using the Lever Rule:

(measured value – lower limit) / (upper limit – lower limit) * 100.

With this data, it would be:

(2.9925-2.9900) / (3.0100-2.9900) * 100. = 12.5.%

This dimension will be displayed in the inspection report if the Bilateral Lower Percentage is less than 12.5%.

Use Text Mode Dimension Reporting
This check box determines whether PC-DMIS uses formatted text (selected) or uses a graphics table (not selected) for displaying the dimensions.

For this report type, you must use only Legacy dimensions in your measurement routine.

If PC-DMIS cannot find a specified report template, it will use a template named "default.rtp". This generic template provides you with a basic text-based report. Since default.rtp only supports text-based reporting, clearing this check box will do nothing.